Based on the requirements of customers, we develop the cold paint road marking machine with automatic skip line system. Now you can use this machine marking single solid lines, double solid lines, single skip lines, single solid line+single skip line in one pass, you can also mark black yellow color curb paintings.
Skip lines are broken/dashed line used for various applications on cityroads and highways. It can be marked as lane lines, centerlines, bicycle lines, bus lines, etc.
Lane Line: Lane Line pavement markings are white markings that delineate the separation of traffic moving in the same direction. Lane lines can be skip line or solid line. 15cm/6-inch lane lines are located between adjacent lanes traveling in the same direction. Single skip line indicates that lane changes are allowed. Single solid line indicates that lane changes are discouraged.
Centerline: Centerline pavement markings are yellow markings used to delineate the separation of traffic that is moving in opposite directions on an undivided roadway. Double solid line indicates that lane changes are prohibited. A single solid line indicates that lane changes are discouraged. Double or single dashed line indicates that lane changes are allowed. In different countries, centerline can be yellow or white lines. It can be other colors for different purposes.
Before you mark skip lines, just do some setting on the computer controller, setting line length and space length value, and then the cold paint road marking machine will control spray gun to mark skip lines automatically. When you stop skip line mode, machine will start marking long solid road marking lines.